Welcome to Aroiris, a school of life and learning portal born from the understanding of the vital need to return to a community life, to reconnect with nature and with the essence of the human being.
We are all welcome to live this magical experience where we all become teachers and students since we all have something to teach and something to learn.
Thanks to the accompaniment of the ancestral knowledge of the native peoples, their teachings and medicines, we learn about good living, how to walk together in community, how to relate to each other and to nature, and how to use ancestral medicines in a healthy and orderly way, as essential tools to sustain balance and harmony in community and
as guides for helping us incorporate more healthy and conscious ways,

Welcome to Aroiris, a school of life and learning portal born from the understanding of the vital need to return to a community life, to reconnect with nature and with the essence of the human being.
Thanks to the accompaniment of the ancestral knowledge of the native peoples, their teachings and medicines as guides for more healthy and conscious ways, we learn about good living, how to walk together in community, how to relate to each other and to nature, and how to use ancestral medicines in a healthy and orderly way, as essential tools to sustain balance and harmony in community.
the union of all colors of humanity, of all races, beliefs, cultures and traditions, to anchor the energy of the rainbow on Earth in a full circle of light, peace, love and harmony.
opens her heart and invites us to learn from her people, her medicines, her strength, her beauty and her love.
We are all children of mother Earth and together with the other kingdoms, animal, plant and mineral,
we form one big family,
and as human beings
we have the
for the well-being of the other kingdoms.
OUR PHILOSOPHY is inspired by the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples, the prophecies of the "Rainbow warriors"
the "Q'eros" profecies
and the "Diroamasa", people of the dawn.
We promote the free expression of all forms of faith and spirituality RESPECTING OUR DIFFRENCES, understanding that each form of spirituality is a Pillar of the Great House that we all share,
our beautiful planet,
and that all this knowledge is necessary to maintain balance on Earth.