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house of dawn


In this proposal to walk in community, following the law of origin, the natural order, and the teachings received from the grandparents, was born the need and the will to build a new Casa Grande, or House of thought, Maloca, which we have named "Casa Madre del Amanecer", and which was baptized by the Mamo Arhuaco Romualdo "Zar Neiwin", "meeting house of abundance", being the materialization of the evolution of our community, to continue receiving, learning, and applying this ancestral knowledge that was kept by the different nations to be delivered to us, the people of the dawn, the great nation of the Rainbow.
The Mother House of the Dawn is the materialization of a collective work, fruit of the understanding of who we are as a New Nation and our role in society.It was built thanks to the accompaniment of different native peoples with their stories and their knowledge, with a close collaboration with the Bora and Tubu nations of the Amazon.


The construction was planned in the environment of the mambeadero, circle of words, where a conscious communication is practiced, with the accompaniment of the medicines of the Mambe (powdered coca leaf) and the Ambil (tobacco paste), ancestral medicines of the native peoples of the Amazon Rainforest.
For us as for the elders who accompany us, it is a great realization to have been able, from the vision, the word and the collective action, to build and materialize this Great House, demonstrating that when a common vision within a circle is put into action and that we all move towards the same goal, we can create whatever we propose, together, for the common good.

The Mother House of the Dawn is a place where every nation, color and tradition has its place and importance, understanding that each form of spirituality is a Pillar of the Great House we all share, our planet, and that each unique knowledge is not complete and needs to be complemented to sustain a healthy and conscious society.

In this Great House, we welcome elders and people who are open and willing to share their knowledge with us, and those of us who want to learn from them.

Sitting around the sacred fire, we have the opportunity to learn and share their stories full of wisdom, their songs and dances full of magic, their sacred plants and animals full of medicine, their handicrafts full of beauty, their drinks and foods full of health, their different ways of living in community, and their different ways of seeing and understanding life.

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